🌟NEW Artist Feature + Community Art Night 🌟
Watch Eugene's wonderful artist feature and maybe you will be inspired to join us at our community art night!
Eugene Koch uses intuitive and improvisational approaches to make work, and his primary vehicle of expression is the use of line. He works in different mediums: drawings, paintings, prints, sculpture, photographs, and video, and after over forty years of work, he is still exploring new ideas and starting new series. Eugene is always amazed at how using a line has taken him by surprise; how such lines lead to what lies beneath, to the core of things.
Eugene lives in Stonington, on Deer Isle, with his partner artist and maker Julie Morringello and their daughter, Mitike. From 1991 to 2022 he worked at Haystack Moutain School of Crafts seasonally, which gave him lots of winter studio time. His work has been selected for two PMA Biennials and various other regional shows. Recently, his work has been seen at Cove St. and Corey Daniels Gallery. Currently his work is at Turtle Gallery on Deer Isle for the 2024 season.
When: Sundays from 2pm - 5pm
Where: In the Community Room at Lights Out, 10 Tannery St, Norway
Bring: Art Projects and materials to work on: knitting, coloring books, journals, collage materials, colored pencils and paper, etc.
The Community Art Night is a weekly time on Sundays for people in the community to convene, make new friends, and cook up some art with other creative people. Painting, knitting, coloring books, collage, YOU NAME IT! We have the space and will have enough materials for a communal group drawing, but we encourage you to bring your own materials and projects that suit your whim. Please carry out what you carry in as we do not have a sink.
PLEASE NOTE: This event is not about making good art. We do not care if you consider yourself an artist, or if you have never made art before. We want this space to be available for connections, discovering new practices, exploring, and having fun!
Become a member by signing up for monthly donations or make a one-time donation.
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