Groucho Marx once said, “I don’t want to belong to any club that will accept me as a member”.
Of course we understand Groucho’s sentiment, however he was never privy to Lights Out. We’re not really clubby and frankly we will accept any free spirit as a member just as long as you’re good for at least ten bucks a month.
For just 33 cents a day you will be improving conditions for your fellow persons. We bet you could fish the first week’s payment out of your car-seat just scrounging around thru the donut bits.
Be the exception to Groucho’s Law, just this one time. Join us in the grand Lights Out experiment today. Your generosity will fill the sky with rainbows. And you’ll feel a little bit better about yourself too, which can’t hurt.
Community Art Night Sunday!
When: Sundays from 2pm - 5pm
Where: In the Community Room at Lights Out, 10 Tannery St, Norway
Bring: Art Projects and materials to work on: knitting, coloring books, journals, collage materials, colored pencils and paper, etc.
The Community Art Night is a weekly time on Sundays for people in the community to convene, make new friends, and cook up some art with other creative people. Painting, knitting, coloring books, collage, YOU NAME IT! We have the space and will have enough materials for a communal group drawing, but we encourage you to bring your own materials and projects that suit your whim. Please carry out what you carry in as we do not have a sink.
PLEASE NOTE: This event is not about making good art. We do not care if you consider yourself an artist, or if you have never made art before. We want this free space to be available for connections, discovering new practices, exploring, and having fun!
Technology will be leased to Lights Out Gallery members for free with a deposit and valid ID.
We currently have a number of used MacBook Pros, Dell Laptops, and iPhones. Leases can be short-term or long-term, up to a year. This is a first-come, first-served pilot program with a limited number of devices.
It’s easy to become a member!
For a low monthly rate, you can help support our community arts center and help yourself to recent (not new) TECHNOLOGY. Projectors, media players, and other devices will also be available for short-term rental.
Connect with us via email at or on Instagram @lightsoutgallery for more information about how to borrow low-cost, high-quality devices. This is a pilot tech lending program available to Maine Artists and Oxford County Community Members.
Become a member by signing up for monthly donations today!
Seriously. By becoming a member you are helping us make what we do possible.
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